Nose Hygiene
Nose. The nasal mucosa is responsible for humidifying, warming and filtering the inspired air, and consists of a respiratory-type epithelium with ciliated cells and mucus-secreting cells (mucociliary mat).
The mucus covers the epithelium, forming a film that functions as a viscoelastic gel that moistens and captures particles. The ciliated cells allow germs and dust to be removed by regular beating.
The mucociliary carpet thus protects all the underlying airways: the rhinopharynx, the larynx, the trachea, the bronchi and the ears. Its role is all the more important in infants as they cannot breathe through their mouths.
As soon as the respiratory aggressors concentrate on the nasal mucosa, if the nose no longer plays its role, there is inflammation, obstruction of the nasal cavities and an accumulation of viscous mucus which favours the proliferation of germs and the risk of complications such as otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis..
Washing the nose in case of a cold. Just as you wash a wound before disinfecting it, washing your nose is the first thing to do in case of a cold. It helps toeliminate impurities and prevent complications. It should be repeated two or three times a day during a cold.
When your doctor prescribes antiseptic drops, it is important to wash your nose beforehand to make them more effective. This is always followed by a thorough cleaning.
If the nose is blocked, we turn to a hypertonic solution which, by osmotic effectwill quickly decongest the nose.
...but not only.
It is easier to think of washing your child's nose than your own. However, a cleansing solution is also part of the daily routine for adults to get rid of impurities, facilitate the protective action of the cilia of the nasal mucosa or re-humidify the nasal mucosa irritated by air conditioning, hot air, cigarette smoke ... A daily nose wash is therefore recommended, with a spray
Nose washing in infants. In the case of rhinopharyngitis and colds, nose washing is the first line of treatment: it should be done several times a day (on average three times a day). In addition, since most cough syrups are contraindicated in infants under two years of age, nosewash and nasal hygiene solutions should be part of the first advice to give in case of cough associated with nasal congestion.
On a daily basis, nose washing is more common in infants than in adults. And for good reason: since young infants cannot breathe through their mouths, they have to make a lot of effort to breathe and a cold immediately makes it difficult to eat and sleep. It is preferable to wash the nose before eating, as the nasal cavities are freed up to facilitate feeding. Avoid doing it right after feeding as it may cause the infant to vomit.
It is important to remember the precautions to be taken for an effective nose cleaning:
1- Lay the baby in dorsal decubitus and maintain the head on the side.
2- Spray the upper nostril with a specific spray. The liquid must flow out of the other nostril.
3- Repeat the operation in the other nostril, changing the side of the baby's head.
4- Then clean the tip of the spray with soapy water.
As a child does not know how to blow his nose on his own before the age of two or three, the use of a baby nose-blower after washing the nose is an alternative to blowing the nose.
Find all our products for a complete nasal hygiene for the whole family