Quietude Child Syrup 200ml
Indications : QUIETUDE, syrup is a homeopathic medicine traditionally used in children over 1 year old in case of temporary nervousness and minor sleep disorders.
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* in metropolitan France and excluding drugs
Probiolog FLORVIS is a food supplement containing vitamin D, with sweetener
Intestinal flora
What isProbiolog FLORVIS?
Probiolog FLORVIS is a food supplement combining
What isthe intestinal microbiota?
The intestinal microbiota, more commonly known as intestinal flora is made up of one hundred thousand billion bacteria, naturally present in the intestine.
It is essential to the proper functioning of the intestine and limits the multiplication of unfriendly bacteria.
This ecosystem is fragile and its imbalance as well as the appearance of digestive disorders can be caused by multiple factors
So many factors that can cause a lasting imbalance of the intestinal microbiota
Specific References
Indications : QUIETUDE, syrup is a homeopathic medicine traditionally used in children over 1 year old in case of temporary nervousness and minor sleep disorders.
Always at hand, the ASPIVENIN® pump is a first aid gesture but does not replace the obligatory and immediate consultation of a medical service which remains essential in the most serious cases (bites, scorpion stings) or in the event of a significant reaction by the victim.
Oligostim Zinc from Granions Laboratories is a medicine containing zinc. It is used as a ground modifier, particularly for skin disorders in adults.
The active substance is zinc gluconate. Each sublingual tablet contains 0.220 mg, which corresponds to 0.032 mg of zinc metal. It has one excipient with a notable effect: lactose
Econazole 1% Mylan cream is a topical antifungal medication indicated for the treatment of mycoses or skin conditions caused by fungi such as candidiasis, dermatophytitis, pytiriasis versicolor.
This medicine is recommended for disorders of venous circulation in the legs(heavy legs, pain, painful sensations known as "impatience" when going to bed...) and for treating symptoms associated with hemorrhoidal attacks.
EuphytoseNuit LP 1.9mg melatonin 15 tablets promotes and improves sleep.
Euphytosenuit LP 1.9mg allows to renew with the relaxation, supports a fast falling asleep, a sleep of quality thanks to its prolonged release. Euphytosenuit is without dependence nor addiction.
The Alvita heating patch offers long-lasting relief from minor aches and pains, joint stiffness and muscle and joint pain.
Box of 4 patches, 13 cm x 9.5 cm
Long-lasting, targeted pain relief. Relieves pain for 8 hours.
Acetylcysteine-based medicine indicated for the treatment of bronchial secretion disorders and wet coughs, particularly in cases of acute bronchial disease such as bronchitis or chronic bronchopneumopathy.
Description: Psoriatec is a nail polish specifically designed to restructure and remineralize nails suffering from fragility and local pain, frequently present in many nail disorders, including nail psoriasis.
Indications : Traditionally used to facilitate the functions of elimination of the organization.
Indications : LYSOPAINE SORE THROAT AMBROXOL LEMON 20 mg SUGAR-FREE lozenge sweetened with sorbitol and sucralose has a local anaesthetic effect, which relieves pain in case of acute sore throat.
LYSOPAINE SORE THROAT LEMON 20 mg SUGAR-FREE lozenge sweetened with sorbitol and sucralose is intended for the relief of acute sore throat.
Indications: This medicine is a complex (association) of homeopathic components. It is used in the homeopathic treatment of bone mineralization disorders, growth and during lactation.
Indications: This medication is indicated for the treatment of skin irritation, particularly in cases of diaper rash (red bottoms) in infants.
The magnesium / vitamin B6 is indicated in the adult and the child of more than 6 years to mitigate the deficiencies in magnesium.
Magnesium / vitamin B6 is dosed at 48mg of magnesium and 5mg of vitamin B6 per tablet.
Therapeutic indications: Local treatment of pain of muscular and tendino-ligamentary origin.
Tanganil Gé 500 mg is a medicine containing acetylleucine. It is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of vertigo