You can take in case of discomfort, difficult digestion about ten drops on a sugar cube, in a glass of water or in a hot infusion. The strong content of alcohol, 80°C does not allow to drink it pure
Precautions for use :
Jacobins water is not recommended for people who are allergic or hypersensitive to plants or plant-based essences. This drug should not be taken during treatment with a drug having an antabuse effect.
Drivers of machines or vehicles must be careful because of the high alcohol content. Taking 10 drops corresponds to taking about 0.13g of pure alcohol or about 1 ml of wine
The amount of alcohol in a bottle of Jacobins water is about the same as in a 75 cl bottle of alcoholic drink (+/- 10°C).
This medicine is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
If necessary, consult your doctor
For a better conservation the bottle must be kept well closed, protected from light at room temperature (15-25°C). Even if the solution takes on a darker colour, its qualities are not affected.