The active ingredients are rhubarb (Sodium hydroalcoholic dry extract and purified root equivalent to 0.43 - 0.53% anthraquinone derivatives) and salicylic acid.
This medicine is to be administered only to adults and children over 6 years of age due to its high alcohol content
The usual dosage of Pyralvex is to apply to the oral lesion with a brush or cotton swab 2 to 4 applications per day, especially before bedtime. The product should not be swallowed, do not rinse your teeth or mouth immediately after application
The treatment of the mouth ulcer will not exceed a few days without medical advice.
Pyralvex is contraindicated in subjects known to be allergic to drugs containing salicylates and in children under 6 years.
Be careful in case of extension of oral lesions and/or appearance of fever you must consult your doctor quickly.
It is not advisable to use other drugs for oral and gingival application simultaneously or successively. Medication interference may occur.
Warning: this speciality may cause an irreversible yellow colouration of the transparent rings of certain dental ceramics due to the presence of rhubarb extract.
Consult the leaflet or ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.