The vast majority of mosquitoes bite animals, and therefore humans, to take from the blood the proteins necessary for the maturation of the eggs shortly before laying. To do this, they inject a specific saliva that prevents the blood from coagulating and then causes an inflammatory reaction of varying degrees depending on the species of mosquito, but especially the person bitten. Itching, even swelling, then occurs and can be uncomfortable.
Once applied to the bitten area, the Insect Protect dressing will stop the spread of the inflammation and prevent you from scratching, which tends to aggravate the symptoms. It quickly relieves the itching and peels off by itself after several days, on average between 4 and 7. You can also remove it yourself if you no longer feel anything. However, in the event of a more intense allergic reaction, it is advisable to remove it immediately and seek medical advice. It does not contain latex.
Directions for use:
Apply the dressing directly to the bite, without scratching it beforehand
Polyester, polyurethane, acrylic glue