Description: Etiaxil Traitement Détranspirant Aisselles Bille Peaux Sensibles is especially intended to regulate the perspiration of the armpits, without however blocking this natural phenomenon. This product also prevents the formation of embarrassing odours.
It is specially designed to protect sensitive skin from possible irritation.
Etiaxil contains aluminium chloride hexahydrate in solution in alcohol, which optimises the action of the aluminium chloride and has an antibacterial effect. This combination also destroys the agents responsible for annoying odours.
Applied to the armpits at the desired frequency, the product acts directly on the sweat glands and thus regulates their flow of perspiration.
The treated glands fall asleep while remaining intact.
Directions for use: Apply Etiaxil in the evening to clean, dry underarms and allow to air dry naturally. The next day, wash the armpits with soap and water.
Initially, apply every evening until the desired result is obtained (in 2 to 3 days on average). As soon as the desired comfort level is reached, reduce the frequency to 2 to 3 times a week, or as often as necessary to keep perspiration under control.
Precautions: External use only.
May discolor or damage some textiles. Avoid contact with jewelry or other polished metal surfaces. Do not use on children without the advice of a pharmacist or doctor.