The Feliway diffuser is ideal for managing cat behavioural problems.
FELIWAY® is a practical and natural solution to control undesirable behaviour such as urine marking, scratching, problems with cats living together, stress related to transport and changes in the cat's environment.
FELIWAY® is a reproduction of the facial pheromone that cats deposit when rubbing their heads against objects in their environment (furniture, wall corners or curtains). This pheromone is specific to cats and conveys a message of safety, appeasement and well-being
The duration of use is to be adapted according to the origin of the undesirable behavior, a minimum of 2 months is generally advised.
The duration of action of a refill is about 4 weeks. The diffuser must be replaced after 6 months of use or 6 refills. The sticker on the FELIWAY ® refill can be removed and placed in your diary or on a calendar on the date the refill is due to be replaced.
Caution : Only refills with a round tip are compatible with this diffuser.