Virpax is a medication indicated for the treatment of herpes labialis. It intervenes from the very first symptoms to prevent the development of lesions caused by cold sores.
It comes in the form of buccogingival tablets, i.e. tablets to be placed over the gums in the mouth. It is particularly effective for the rapid treatment of fever blisters on the lips or around the mouth. Thanks to its active ingredient, aciclovir, Virpax makes it easy to combat herpes at the very first signs of itching, redness or tingling.
Virpax contains aciclovir, an active antiviral substance that inhibits the herpes virus by preventing it from reproducing within infected cells.
Virpax only treats the symptoms of herpes, and will not prevent recurrences, although it may help to prevent them. Aciclovir has no adverse effects on healthy cells.
It is very important to take a Virpax tablet as soon as the first symptoms appear (burning, tingling, itching, redness, swelling, etc.). Once vesicular lesions have appeared, and the virus has reproduced in the cells, the tablet's effectiveness is drastically reduced. It may even be completely ineffective.
Directions for use Virpax Herpes labialis, cold sores 1 tablet
Virpax is an aciclovir medication in the form of a muco-adhesive buccogingival tablet. First of all, make sure your mouth is sufficiently moist for the tablet to stick to the gums. If not, drink a large glass of water.
1- Locate your canine fossa: this is above your upper incisors. Don't hesitate to use your finger;
2- take the Virpax tablet out of its packaging;
3- dry your finger well so that the tablet doesn't stick to it, then place the tablet on it;
4- apply the tablet to your canine fossa, against the gum, just above an incisor;
5- remove your finger, close your mouth and press for about 30 seconds from the outside to ensure that the tablet adheres properly.
Can't find your canine fossa or can't access it? You can also apply the tablet to the inside of your lip. Pharmacist's advice: in this case, place the rounded side of the tablet against your gums for greater comfort.
Do not suck, chew or swallow the Virpax tablet. Do not touch the tablet, chew gum or brush your teeth while it is in place.
What should I do if the Virpax tablet falls out or if I swallow it?
If the Virpax tablet doesn't stick during application, shift it slightly and press it back onto your lip from the outside.
If it falls off less than 6 hours after application, you can also try to re-stick it or place a new one.
If the tablet falls off more than 6 hours after application, do not try to apply a new one.
The same applies if you accidentally swallow your tablet:
- less than 6 hours after application: apply a new Virpax tablet
- more than 6 hours after application: do not reapply.
Precautions for use
Virpax should only be used by adults. Warning: it contains lactose and should not be used if you are allergic to this substance. More generally, do not use Virpax if :
- you are allergic or hypersensitive to any of the substances it contains, in particular acyclovir ;
- if you are immunocompromised;
- if more than one hour has passed since the first symptoms appeared.
Like all medicines, Virpax may cause side effects. Among the most common are
- local skin reactions ;
- amplification of skin reactions that have already occurred following the use of another product.
Do you have any questions about herpes labialis, its symptoms and treatment, or about medications such as Virpax (dosage, side effects, etc.)? Don't hesitate to ask your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare professional for advice.